
The example script logs in as an admin and creates a user with random credentials. It logs in as that user and posts and validates random content.

Install Drupal 7

Install Drupal 7.24 on Fedora 19/20

These steps are for 7.24 on Fedora 19 and Drupal 7.24-1 on Fedora 20. For other systems see installation docs.

Use Applications > Administration > Software Management (Apper) > install Drupal7. If you haven’t got Apache running, start it:

systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl start httpd.service

The following steps are based on docs from /usr/share/doc/drupal7-7.24. If you read them, note that /usr/share/drupal7/sites is a symlink which resolves to /etc/drupal7.

Setup Drupal

cd /etc/drupal7/default
cp default.settings.php settings.php
chmod 666 settings.php

# Visit http://localhost/drupal7 and follow it. Database configuration
- database type: SQLite
- filename: don't have it start with '.ht'. See notes below.
- don't use Advanced > DB prefix. See notes below.

# After you've installed it via the web interface, continue as root user:
cd /etc/drupal7/default
chmod 644 settings.php

# Following is for SeLite Settings buttons to reload [script][script db]/[app][app db]/[vanilla DB]. (Or do it per group or in a less restrictive way, as you need.)
cd files
setfacl -m u:testersUserName:rw data.sqlite


Install Drupal 7.26 on CentOS 6.5

Use System > Administration > Add/Remove Software to install Apache (httpd), PHP and mbstring. Then System > Administration > Services > enable and start service httpd.

wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-7.26.tar.gz
tar xvzf drupal-7.26.tar.gz
sudo cp -r drupal-7.26 /var/www/html/drupal7
cd /var/www/html/drupal7/sites/default/
sudo cp -r default.settings.php settings.php
chmod a+w settings.php

Visit http://localhost/drupal7/install.php. Select Standard installation, follow steps in a browser as per notes for Fedora.

cd /var/www/html/drupal7/sites/default/
sudo chmod o-w settings.php
cd files
chmod chmod a+rwx .
chmod chmod a+rwx *sqlite*

Install SeLite Drupal framework

Apply InstallFramework. The framework and scripts are in drupal/ folder. The above installation had appDB filename /etc/drupal7/default/files/data.sqlite.

When using Drupal as a non-admin user, it needs a front page, but that doesn’t exist by default. Do that before you run other scripts: Open Firefox menu > Tools > Selenium IDE. Selenium menu > File > Open Test Suite… > locate drupal/test_suites_and_cases/setup_content_suite.html. Then run the suite (in Selenium IDE menu > Actions > Play entire test suite).


Example create_user_suite.html only works with English installation.

DB schema

When extending DB table definitions in the framework, see DB Schema.