Accessing the interface of SeLiteSettings

Two most frequent use cases are available in Selenium IDE menu > Options. They link to tree.xul and tree.xul?selectFolder (see below). Changes are immediate: if you change a field’s value, or delete a set, it’s saved right then.

SeLiteSettings’ configuration interface is within Firefox at chrome:// URLs. The URLs are

For Managing mode:  
chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul to manage Firefox profile-based set(s) for all registered modules
chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul?module=full-module-name to manage set(s) for a given module
chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul?prefix=prefix-of-full-module-name to manage set(s) of all modules whose name starts with given prefix
For Reviewing mode:  
chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul?selectFolder to select a folder for which to review any fields
chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul?folder=/full/path/to/folder to review effective configuration for suites in that folder, based on any applicable sets or manifests as per SettingsScope
chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul?register to register a module manually (from its javascript file). You need this only if you design or import a custom configuration module that is not packaged as an extension of Selenium IDE. Alternatively you may use your own Core extension and SettingsAPI to register your module automatically.

Per-folder view colours fields based on where the value(s) come from:


Hover the mouse over a field row for a mouseover tip with a field description.

Managing mode

In managing mode (e.g. at chrome:// URL chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul), clicking at a cell in column

E.g. to create a new set:

  1. Visit chrome:// URL chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul.
  2. Press ‘Add a new set’ (for extensions.selite-settings.common, or for a custom module).
  3. Make the set default (click at ‘Default’ column next to its name). However, if you’re going to use several script configurations, then create a set for each, but don’t make any set default. Then connect the sets to your suite folders as per SettingsManifests > Associations manifests.
  4. Enter values.

Reviewing mode

In per-folder reviewing mode (e.g. at chrome:// URL chrome://selite-settings/content/tree.xul?folder=/full/path/to/folder), clicking at ‘Manifest/Definition’ opens a definition of the module for that field, or a values manifest where the value comes from (if any). ‘Set’ column indicates the set where the value came from (if from a set).

Reloading databases

SeLiteSettings adds three buttons to Selenium IDE. They re-load one or two of script DB, app DB or vanilla DB (as per the table below). These buttons do the full job on their own only if your web app uses SQLite as its DB. Otherwise apply DataImport.

Selenium IDE button Source DB Target DB Extra target DB
reload test DB App Test  
reload vanilla and test DB App Test Vanilla
reload app and test DB Vanilla Test App

You should pause scripts while using these buttons, otherwise the script or application may modifying their DB files. Beware of background web processes (Ajax or CRON) - wait until they finish. Otherwise you may need to stop the application (e.g. by shutting down Tomcat/JBoss, Apache or WEBrick). If the DB file is on a network filesystem, it may not lock properly.


Reloading databases requires your local account (which runs Firefox) to have access to delete the web app DB file and to create new files in the web app DB folder. That works when the app runs in locally and you started it yourself, or when it is under your home folder. Otherwise your account needs to have the access granted (e.g. via Linux/Mac OS groups or SeLinux setfacl - see DrupalFramework).

Entering 'null' or 'undefined'

This is unlikely, but possible. If a freetype field has a non-null defined value (possibly empty string), then you can type in string literals 'null' or 'undefined' (within apostrophes or quotes) and they will be accepted as those strings. They won’t get converted to Javascript null or undefined. Use a special column ‘Null/Undefine’ for that.

If a freetype field is Javascript null or undefined, you can click at its cell and change it. If you you don’t change it and you hit Enter, that leaves the field as Javascript null or undefined, rather than a string literal 'null' or 'undefined'. So, if you’d like to enter a string literal 'null' or 'undefined', enter something else first and then change it to 'null' or 'undefined' again.