
SeLite Commands (Components > Commands) provides several Selenese commands and related functionality.

Robust commands

Commands with name in form xxxRobust: typeRobust, clickRobust, selectRobust action the same as original commands xxx, but if the target doesn’t exist, then they skip and they don’t fail.

Random data

Commands with name in form xxxRandom: clickRandom, selectRandom, typeRandom, typeRandomEmail generate controlled random data. The commands enter (or select or click) a random value(or an option or a radio button) for a given field (of a specified type). Optionally, they can also store the entered/selected/clicked text/choice in a given Selenese variable, so that the script can use it later (e.g. to store it in script DB).

Those commands perform two functions

For that the commands have two parameters:

typeRandomEmail co-operates with typeRandom. It types a random email address, based on a name already typed in another element.

For more details see its Selenese tests.

Timestamp-related commands

There are two sets of functionality that support TimeStamps. The first set defines commands (primary names): sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMilliseconds, sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds, sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMinutes. Each ensures that a timestamp from that moment will be unique, when compared to any timestamp created just before any previous or future call to the same command (or to a command with finer precision).

The second set defines functions isTimestampDownToMilliseconds, isTimestampDownToSeconds, isTimestampDownToMinutes, isTimestampDownToPrecision. You can’t access those directly as commands in Selenium IDE. Instead, use commands like verifyTimestampDownToSeconds (see also ClassicSelenese > Auto-generated Selenese commands). Those serve to validate a displayed timestamp (identified by locator in target parameter) against a previously saved timestamp (passed in value parameter).

The second set also auto-generates commands like waitForTimestampDownToSeconds. However, do not use those commands because they could be misplaced with sleeUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds. To prevent confusion, this subset of auto-generated commands (waitForTimestampDownToSeconds and similar) are handled specially: they fail. If you need to wait for a timestamp and to validate it, use a different waitFor... command (targeting the related element), and then verify or assert the timestamp (with e.g. assertTimestampDownToSeconds).

Basic usage

Other commands


For details see reference of those commands in Selenium IDE, online or locally at chrome:// URL chrome://selite-extension-sequencer/content/selenese_reference.html?chrome://selite-commands/content/reference.xml.