Source: SeLite/testcase-debug-context/src/chrome/content/extensions/testcase-debug-context-core.js

/* Copyright 2005 Shinya Kasatani
 * Copyright 2013, 2014 Peter Kehl
 * Based on Selenium code of ide/main/src/content/testCase.js
 * This is needed for SelBlocksGlobal to work until Selenium accepts
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

"use strict";

// Following two assignments and if(false){...} are purely for JSDoc.
/** @class */
Selenium= Selenium;
if( false ) {
    /** @namespace */
    global= this;

// Anonymous function keeps global and origTestCasePrototype out of global scope
( function(global) {
    // Se IDE loads this file twice, and with a different scope object! I need to create TestCaseDebugContext when this file is loaded for the first time. I couldn't use 'var TestCaseDebugContext=...', or global.TestCaseDebugContext= .... because it would disappear (due to the different scope object). Since I want "use strict"; I set it on TestCase, which exists outside the loading scope, and therefore it's preserved between both loadings of this file.
    // See "Core extensions are loaded 2x".
    if( typeof TestCase.TestCaseDebugContext==="undefined" ) {
        /** A TestCaseDebugContext class.
         * @class
         * */
        global.TestCaseDebugContext= function TestCaseDebugContext( testCase ) {
            this.testCase= testCase;
        /** Reset the context. */
        global.TestCaseDebugContext.prototype.reset= function reset() {
            this.failed = false;
            this.started = false;
            this.debugIndex = -1;
        /** @returns {Object} Next command, from <code>this.testCase.commands[]</code>. */
        global.TestCaseDebugContext.prototype.nextCommand= function nextCommand() {
            if (!this.started) {
                this.started = true;
                this.debugIndex = this.testCase.startPoint
                    ? this.testCase.commands.indexOf(this.testCase.startPoint)
                    : 0;
            } else {
            for (; this.debugIndex < this.testCase.commands.length; this.debugIndex++) {
                var command = this.testCase.commands[this.debugIndex];
                if (command.type==='command') {
                    return command;
            return null;
        /** @returns {Object} Current command, from <code>this.testCase.commands[]</code>. */
        global.TestCaseDebugContext.prototype.currentCommand= function currentCommand() {
            var command = this.testCase.commands[this.debugIndex];
            if (!command) {
                this.testCase.log.warn("currentCommand() not found: commands.length=" + this.testCase.commands.length + ", debugIndex=" + this.debugIndex);
            return command;
        var origTestCasePrototype;
        if( origTestCasePrototype===undefined ) { // This check is needed because of "Core extensions are loaded 2x"
            origTestCasePrototype= TestCase.prototype;
            TestCase= function TestCase(tempTitle) {
                if (!tempTitle) tempTitle = "Untitled";
                this.log = new Log("TestCase");
                this.tempTitle = tempTitle;
                this.formatLocalMap = {};
                this.commands = [];
                this.baseURL = "";

                this.debugContext= new TestCase.TestCaseDebugContext( this );

            TestCase.prototype= origTestCasePrototype;
            TestCase.TestCaseDebugContext= global.TestCaseDebugContext;
    else {
        // This is so that SelBlocksGlobal can intercept TestCaseDebugContext.
        // I set it here when Se IDE loads this file for the second time.
        global.TestCaseDebugContext= TestCase.TestCaseDebugContext;
        /** This will be inserted before standard _executeCurrentCommand() through a head override.
         * */
        Selenium.seLiteBeforeCurrentCommand= function seLiteBeforeCurrentCommand() {};
        /** This will be appended after standard _executeCurrentCommand() through a tail override.
         * */
        Selenium.seLiteAfterCurrentCommand= function seLiteAfterCurrentCommand() {};
} )( this );