"use strict";
Components.utils.import( "chrome://selite-db-objects/content/Db.js" ); // this loads 'SeLiteData' object into Selenium Core scope, so that it can be used by Selenese
Components.utils.import( "chrome://selite-db-objects/content/DbStorage.js" );
Components.utils.import( "chrome://selite-db-objects/content/DbObjects.js" );
Components.utils.import( "chrome://selite-db-objects/content/DbFunctions.js" );
// Following assignments is purely for JSDoc.
/** @class */
Selenium= Selenium;
/** This is not called getRecord, because then autogenerated storeRecord would be confusing/counter-intuitive: it could imply that it's storing something in the DB, while it would be retrieving a record from the DB and storing it in a stored variable.
* @param {object} info
* @returns {object}
* */
Selenium.prototype.getReadRecord= function getReadRecord( info ) {
/** @type {SeLiteData.Table} */
var table;
/** @type SeLiteData.RecordSetFormula*/
var formula;
LOG.debug( 'getReadRecord info: ' +typeof info+ ': ' +SeLiteMisc.objectToString(info, 2));
if( 'table' in info ) {
table= info.table;
table instanceof SeLiteData.Table || SeLiteMisc.fail( 'info.table must be an instance of SeLiteData.Table');
formula= table.formula();
else if( 'formula' in info ) {
formula= info.formula;
formula instanceof SeLiteData.RecordSetFormula || SeLiteMisc.fail( 'info.formula must be an instance of SeLiteData.RecordSetFormula');
table= formula.table;
else {
SeLiteMisc.fail('getReadRecord() expects info.table or info.formula to be present.');
/**@type {object}*/var matchingPairs= SeLiteMisc.objectClone(info, table.columns );
delete matchingPairs.info;
delete matchingPairs.formula;
// Following check depends on requirement that only one of info.table or info.formula is present
Object.keys(matchingPairs).length===Object.keys(info).length-1 || SeLiteMisc.fail( 'There are some field(s) in info.matchingPairs that are not present in table/formula definition.' );
var records= formula.select( matchingPairs );
LOG.debug( 'getReadRecord: ' +records );
var record= null;
for( var key in records ) { // Return the only record, if any:
if( record!==null ) {
SeLiteMisc.fail( 'There is more than one record.' );
record= records[key];
LOG.debug( 'record: ' +SeLiteMisc.objectToString(record, 2) );
return record;
/** @param {object} recordObject
* @param {SeLiteData.Table} table
* */
Selenium.prototype.doInsertRecord= function doInsertRecord( recordObject, table) {
var record= new SeLiteData.Record(recordObject);
if( typeof table.primary==='string' && record[table.primary]!==undefined ) {
recordObject[ table.primary ]= storedVars.insertedRecordKey= record[table.primary];