Source: SeLite/commands/src/chrome/content/extensions/commands-core.js

/*  Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Peter Kehl
    This file is part of SeLite Commands.

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"use strict";

// Following assignments is purely for JSDoc.
/** @class Selenium*/
Selenium= Selenium;

  function() {
    // This functions has Selenium purely for JSDoc, so that the following members are documented in JSDoc 'Selenium' namespace. Side note: uncommenting the following line (or a similar 'var') disabled JSDoc for this namespace.
    //let SeleniumExtra= Selenium;
    // For all Selenium actions and locators defined here - i.e. functions with name doXXXX, isXXXXX, getXXXXX
    // see their user documentation at ../reference.xml
    // @TODO report getXyz() function must return a non-null defined value; otherwise you'll get a confusing error from AccessorResult
    // at chrome/content/selenium-core/scripts/selenium-commandhandlers.js
    // See also

    /** @TODO eliminate? Or, keep, if we use NaN
     * @member {function}
    Selenium.prototype.doTypeRobust= function doTypeRobust(target, value) {
        if( !target || !value ) {
   'typeRobust skipped, since target or value was empty/0/false.' );
        else {
            this.doType( target, value );

    Selenium.prototype.doSelectRobust= function doSelectRobust( selectLocator, optionLocator) {
        if( !selectLocator || !optionLocator ) {
   'selectRobust skipped, since selectLocator or optionLocator was empty/0/false.' );
        else {
            this.doSelect( selectLocator, optionLocator );

    Selenium.prototype.doClickRobust= function doClickRobust( locator, valueUnused) {
        if( locator==='' ) {
   'clickRobust skipped, since locator was an empty string.' );
        else {
            this.doClick( locator, valueUnused );
    Selenium.prototype.isTimestampDownToMilliseconds= function isTimestampDownToMilliseconds( locator, timestampInMilliseconds ) {
        return this.timestampComparesTo( locator, timestampInMilliseconds, 1, true );
    Selenium.prototype.isTimestampDownToSeconds= function isTimestampDownToSeconds( locator, timestampInMilliseconds ) {
        return this.timestampComparesTo( locator, timestampInMilliseconds, 1000, true );
    Selenium.prototype.isTimestampDownToMinutes= function isTimestampDownToMinutes( locator, timestampInMilliseconds ) {
       return this.timestampComparesTo( locator, timestampInMilliseconds, 60000, true );
    Selenium.prototype.isTimestampDownToPrecision= function isTimestampDownToPrecision( locator, timestampDetails ) {
        return this.timestampComparesTo( locator, timestampDetails.timestamp,
            timestampDetails.precision, timestampDetails.validatePrecision, timestampDetails.timezone );
    // The following functions don't have entries in reference.xml, because when they had they didn't show up in Selenium IDE. Selenium IDE overrode them and it showed auto-generated entries based on isTimestampDownToXXX().
    function doWaitForTimestampDownToXXX( target, value ) {
        throw new Error( "Do not use. See" );
    /** This will be SeLiteSettings.Module instance for config module extensions.selite-settings.common. I can retrieve it here, but I can't access its field maxTimeDifference here, because that field is only added on-the-fly in callBack part of Command's SeLiteExtensionSequencerManifest.js, which is only after this file is loaded (as a Core extension) by ExtensionSequencer.
     * */
    var commonSettings= SeLiteSettings.loadFromJavascript( 'extensions.selite-settings.common' );
    /** Shorthand function to value of extensions.selite-settings.common field maxTimeDifference. Not in Selenese scope. */
    function maxTimeDifference() {
        return commonSettings.getField( 'maxTimeDifference' ).getDownToFolder().entry;
    /** Internal function, used to compare a displayed human-readable timestamp to a numeric timestamp,
     *  allowing for difference of maxTimeDifference() (milllisec) and this.defaultTimeout (ms) and 1x display time unit (displayPrecisionInSeconds).
        I don't use prefix 'do' or 'get' in the name of this function
        because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command/getter.
     *  @param string locator Selenium locator of the element that contains the displayed human-readable (and parsable) time stamp
     *  @param number timestampInMilliseconds Expected timestamp, number of milliseconds since Epoch
     *  @param number displayPrecisionInMilliseconds Smallest displayed time unit, in milliseconds
     *  @param bool validatePrecision
     *  @TODO Use parameter timezone. Allow both short and long names? Make it daylightsaving-friendly, so that the test can run when daylightsaving changes - don't cache the time shift.
     *  This doesn't use timezone support in Date.parse(), because that only understands GMT, Z and US time zone abbreviations
     *  - see and try 
     *  Date.parse( "Fri, 11 Oct 2013 05:55:00 AEST" ) - it evaluates to NaN.
     *  evaluate in a .js file or via Firebug console, not via 'javascript:' url: new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", {timeZone:"AEDT", timeZoneName:'short'}).format( new Date())
     *  See  and and
     *  This is on hold, pending In Firefox 47.0a1 timezones seem to work one way only:
     *  new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-AU', {timeZoneName: 'short'}).format( new Date() )  -> "12/02/2016, AEDT"
     *  new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-AU", {timeZone:"AEDT", timeZoneName:'short'}).format( new Date()) -> RangeError: invalid time zone
     *  new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-AU', {timeZoneName: 'long'}).format( new Date() ) -> "12/02/2016, Australian Eastern Daylight Time"
     *  new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-AU", {timeZone:"Australian Eastern Daylight Time", timeZoneName:'long'}).format( new Date()) -> RangeError: invalid time zone
    Selenium.prototype.timestampComparesTo= function timestampComparesTo( locator, timestampInMilliseconds, displayPrecisionInMilliseconds, validatePrecision, timezoneTODO ) {
        var element= this.browserbot.findElement(locator);
        var displayedTimeString= element.value!==undefined
            ? element.value
            : element.textContent;
        var displayedTime= Date.parse( displayedTimeString );
        var maxDifference= maxTimeDifference()+ Number(this.defaultTimeout)+ displayPrecisionInMilliseconds;
        LOG.debug( 'timestampInMilliseconds: ' +timestampInMilliseconds+ '; DisplayedTimeString: ' +displayedTimeString+ ' is timestamp '
            +displayedTime+ ' ms; Calculated max allowed difference: ' +maxDifference+ ' ms.' );
        // Following works because timezone shifts are multiplies of 30min.
        if( validatePrecision && displayedTime%displayPrecisionInMilliseconds>0 ) {
            var msg= 'Timestamp precision validation failed. The displayed timestamp has value of precision lower than the given precision ' +displayPrecisionInMilliseconds+ 'ms. If this worked in past, then the application most likely changed. Change the precision.';
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new Error(msg);
        return Math.abs( timestampInMilliseconds-displayedTime) <= maxDifference;

    /** Anonymous object (serving as an associative array) {
     *  string timestampName: anonymous object {
     *      precision: number, the smallest unit of time displayed on the screen for respective timestamp elements
     *      nextDistinctTimestamp: number, a nearest future timestamp (in milliseconds)
     *          (that is, a value returned by at that moment) when this timestampName
     *          can have a new distinct timestamp, which can be distinguished from the last one (and any older ones) using the given precision
     *  }
     *  where timestampName is a label/name, usually of a timestamp element or field (DB column),
     *  or of a whole fieldset (DB table) if it has only one timestamp field (column).
    Selenium.prototype.distinctTimestamps= {};

    /**I don't use prefix 'do' in the name of this function because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command.
      Use to record the moment when you inserted/updated a record of given type, and you want to
     *  compare that record's timestamp (whether soon or later) as formatted on the webpage (using given precision).
     *  <br/><br/>Warning: This keeps a count only of timestamps notes since you started Selenium IDE. If you re-started it soon
     *  after the previous run(s) which could record timestamps, make sure you wait for a sufficient period to get distinct new timestamps.
     *  @param string timestampName Type/use case group of the record that you're upgrading/inserting. Records that can be compared
     *  between each other should have same timestampName. Then this assures that they get timestamps that show up as distinct.
     *  Records with different timestampName can get same timestamps, because they are not supposed to be compared to each other.
     *  @param int timestampPrecision, the precision (lowest unit) of the timestamp, in milliseconds
    Selenium.prototype.noteTimestamp= function noteTimestamp( timestampName, timestampPrecision ) {
        timestampPrecision= Number(timestampPrecision);
        var nextDistinctTimestamp= maxTimeDifference() +timestampPrecision;
        LOG.debug( 'noteTimestamp: timestampName=' +timestampName+ ', precision=' +timestampPrecision+ ', nextDistinctTimestamp=' +nextDistinctTimestamp);
        this.distinctTimestamps[timestampName]= {
            precision: timestampPrecision,
            nextDistinctTimestamp: nextDistinctTimestamp

    /** This and similar functions have name starting with 'doSleepUntil'. That way when you type 'waitForDistinctTimestamp' in Selenium IDE,
     *  it doesn't auto-suggest '...AndWait' alternatives, which we don't want and which would confuse user. If the function name
     *  was any doXyz that doesn't start with 'doSleepUntil', Selenium IDE would auto-suggest '..AndWait' alternative, which don't make sense.
     * */
    Selenium.prototype.doSleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMilliseconds= function doSleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMilliseconds( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds ) {
        precisionInMilliseconds= precisionInMilliseconds || 1;
        return this.waitForDistinctTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds );

    Selenium.prototype.doSleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds= function doSleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds( timestampName, precisionInSeconds ) {
        precisionInSeconds= precisionInSeconds || 1;
        return this.waitForDistinctTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInSeconds*1000 );

    Selenium.prototype.doSleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMinutes= function doWaitTimestampDistinctDownToMinutes( timestampName, precisionInMinutes ) {
        precisionInMinutes= precisionInMinutes || 1;
        return this.waitForDistinctTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMinutes*60000 );
    /**I don't use prefix 'do' in the name of this function
       because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command.
       @param string timestampName label/name, usually of a timestamp element or field, for which you want to get a distinct timestamp.
     *  @param int timestampPrecision, the precision (lowest unit) of the timestamp, in milliseconds.
     *  @return true if it's safe to create a new timestamp for this type of record, and the timestamp
     *  will be distinguishable from the previous one.
    Selenium.prototype.waitForDistinctTimestamp= function waitForDistinctTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds ) {
        if( !(timestampName in this.distinctTimestamps) ) {
            LOG.debug( 'waitForDistinctTimestampXXX: No previous timestamp for timestamp name ' +timestampName );
            this.noteTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds );
        if( this.distinctTimestamps[timestampName].precision!==precisionInMilliseconds ) {
            var error= "You've called waitForDistinctTimestampXXX for timestampName='" +timestampName+
                "', precisionInMilliseconds=" +precisionInMilliseconds+ "ms. But the previous timestamp for this timestampName was recorded with different precision: "+
                this.distinctTimestamps[timestampName].precision+ "ms. Please use the same precision for the same timestamp. If you've changed it, please restart Selenium IDE.";
            LOG.error( error );
            throw new Error( error );
        var timestampBecomesDistinct= this.distinctTimestamps[timestampName].nextDistinctTimestamp; // in milliseconds
        var timeOutFromNow=;
        if( timeOutFromNow<=0 ) {
            LOG.debug( 'waitForDistinctTimestampXXX for timestamp ' +timestampName+ ': No need to wait. A distinct timestamp became available ' +(-1*timeOutFromNow)+ ' milliseconds ago.' );
            this.noteTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds );
        LOG.debug( 'waitForDistinctTimestampXXX: waiting for next ' +timeOutFromNow+ ' milliseconds. Now: ' ', timestampBecomesDistinct: ' +timestampBecomesDistinct );
        var self= this;
        return Selenium.decorateFunctionWithTimeout(
            function check() {
                // Somewhere here Firefox 23.0.1 Browser Console reports a false positive bug: 'anonymous function does not always return a value'. Ingore that.
                if(>=timestampBecomesDistinct ) {
                    LOG.debug( 'waitForDistinctTimestampXXX for timestamp ' +timestampName+ ' reached the time correctly. It saves a new timestamp and returns true.');
                    self.noteTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds );
                    return true;
                return false;
            timeOutFromNow+500/* a buffer - otherwise Selenium reports a timeout */,
            function callBack() {
                LOG.error( 'waitForDistinctTimestampXXX for timestamp ' +timestampName+ ' timed out. This should not happen. It notes a new timestamp.');
                self.noteTimestamp( timestampName, precisionInMilliseconds );

    Selenium.prototype.doIndexBy= function doIndexBy( columnOrDetails, sourceVariableName ) {
        var indexBy= columnOrDetails;
        var resultVariableName= sourceVariableName;
        var valuesUnique;
        if( typeof columnOrDetails==='object' ) {
            indexBy= columnOrDetails.indexBy;
            valuesUnique= columnOrDetails.valuesUnique;
            if( ) {
        storedVars[resultVariableName]= SeLiteMisc.collectByColumn( storedVars[sourceVariableName], [indexBy], valuesUnique );

    // I don't use prefix 'get' or 'do' in the name of this function
    // because it's not intended to be run as Selenium getter/command.
    Selenium.prototype.randomElement= function randomElement( elementSetXPath ) {
        /** This clicks at a random radio button from within a set of radio buttons identified by locator.
         *  @param string elementSetXPath XPath expression to locate the element(s). Don't include leading 'xpath='.
         *  It can't be any other Selenium locator. You probably want to match them
         *  using XPath 'contains' function, e.g. //input[ @type='radio' and contains(@id, 'feedback-') ].
        // Can't use global variable 'window' here
        var window= this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow();

        // There's no getElements(..) function in Selenium API, so I'm using the DOM one
        // See
        var elementsIterator= window.document.evaluate(
            elementSetXPath, window.document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null );
        var elements= [];
        var element= null;
        while( (element=elementsIterator.iterateNext()) ) {
            elements.push( element );
        if( !elements.length ) {
            LOG.error( 'getRandomElement(): There are no elements matching XPath: ' +elementSetXPath );
            throw new Error();
        var elementIndex= Math.round( Math.random()*(elements.length-1) );
        return elements[elementIndex];

    Selenium.prototype.doClickRandom= function doClickRandom( radiosXPath, store ) {
        var radio= this.randomElement( radiosXPath );
        this.browserbot.clickElement( radio );

        if( store ) {
            SeLiteMisc.setFields( storedVars, store, radio.value );

    /** This returns a random option from within <select>...</select> identified by a given locator.
        I don't use prefix 'do' or 'get' in the name of this function because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command/getter.
     *  @param string selectLocator Locator of the <select>...</select>. It has to be an XPath-based locator, without 'xpath=' at the front.
     *  @param {Object<string,boolean>} [params={}] Optional, an object in form {
     *     excludeFirst: true, // Whether to exclude the first option
     *     excludeLast: true, // Whether to exclude the last option
     *  }
     *  @return DOM Element of a random <option>...</option> from within the select
    Selenium.prototype.randomOption= function randomOption( selectLocator, params={} ) {
        var select= this.browserbot.findElement(selectLocator);
        var options= select.getElementsByTagName('option');

        var excludeFirst= params && params.excludeFirst;
        var excludeLast= params && params.excludeLast;
        var firstIndex= excludeFirst
            ? 1
            : 0;
        var randomRange= options.length-1 -firstIndex -(
            ? 1
            : 0 );
        var optionIndex= firstIndex+ Math.round( Math.random()*randomRange );
        var option= options[optionIndex];
        return option;

    Selenium.prototype.doSelectRandom= function doSelectRandom( selectLocator, paramsOrStore={} ) {
        if( typeof paramsOrStore =='string' ) {
            paramsOrStore= {store: paramsOrStore};
        var option= this.randomOption( selectLocator, paramsOrStore );

        // This didn't work: this.browserbot.selectOption( select, option );
        this.doSelect( selectLocator, /*optionLocator:*/'value=' +option.value );

        if( paramsOrStore && ) {
            //storedVars[]= option.value;
            SeLiteMisc.setFields( storedVars,, option.value );

    Selenium.prototype.randomFirstNames= [
        'Alice', 'Betty', 'Charlie', 'Dan', 'Erwin', 'Frank', 'Geraldine', 'Hugo', 'Ismael', 'Julie', 'Karl', 'Lucy', 'Marc',
        'Nathan', 'Oliver', 'Susie', 'Tatiana', 'Ursula'
    Selenium.prototype.randomSurnames= ['Brown', 'Blue', 'Cyan', 'Emerald', 'Green', 'Violet', 'Marble', 'Pink', 'Red', 'Ruby', 'Sunshine', 'White'];
    Selenium.prototype.randomThirdNameMinLength= 3;
    // Following is also applied to (an optional) random part of email domain, the part after a dash -
    Selenium.prototype.randomThirdNameMaxLength= 8;
    Selenium.prototype.randomWords= ['amazing', 'cat', 'excellent', 'elephant', 'good', 'frog', 'hamster', 'horse', 'lion', 'mouse', 'happy',
        'healthy', 'pretty', 'superb', 'tomcat' ];
    // htmlTags must contan an empty string
    Selenium.prototype.htmlTags= [ '', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'strike', 'sub', 'sup'];
    // Don't enter a dot. Include at least one two-letter domain, so that it gets included in randomTopDomainsShort.
    Selenium.prototype.randomTopDomains= ['es', 'it', 'com', '', '', ''];

    /**I don't use prefix 'do' or 'get' in the name of this function
       because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command/getter.
    Selenium.prototype.randomTopDomainsShort= [];
    for( var i=0; i<Selenium.prototype.randomTopDomains.length; i++ ) {
        if( Selenium.prototype.randomTopDomains[i].length==2 ) {
            Selenium.prototype.randomTopDomainsShort.push( Selenium.prototype.randomTopDomains[i] );

    /**I don't use prefix 'do' or 'get' in the name of this function
       because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command/getter.
       Return a random text, restricted by params, and fit for an input element identified by locator. It always returns at least 1 character.
     * @parameter {object} params object, see parameter paramsOrStore of function doTypeRandom() in ../reference.xml - except that here it has to be an object, it can't be a string.
     * @parameter {object} extraParams Currently only used with type 'email', to generate an email address based on
     * a given name (first/last/full). Then pass an object {
     *     baseOnName: string human-name; the email address part left of '@' will be based on this string
     * }
     * @parameter {string} [locator] Locator of the text input. Used to get max. length of the generated input.
     * @return string as speficied in doTypeRandom()
    Selenium.prototype.randomText= function randomText( params={}, extraParams, locator ) {
        var type= params.type || null;
        if( type && 
            (typeof type!=='string' || ['email', 'name', 'word', 'number', 'text', 'html', 'password', 'ugly'].indexOf(type)<0)
        ) {
            LOG.error( "randomText(): params.type='" +type+ "' is not recognised." );
            throw new Error();
        !( params.characters && params.type ) ||"Can't use both parameter subfields 'characters' and 'type'.");
        var elementMaxLength= locator
            ? parseInt( this.browserbot.findElement(locator).getAttribute('maxlength') )
            : undefined;

        var minLength= params.minLength || 1;
        minLength= Math.max( minLength, 1 );
        if( type==='email' ) {
            minLength= Math.max( minLength, 7 );
        var maxLength= params.maxLength || elementMaxLength || 255;
        maxLength= Math.max( minLength, maxLength );
        /** @type {string} */var charRange= ''; // We'll use ASCII characters from within this range
        /** @type {RegExp} */var acceptableChars;
        if( params.characters ) {
            if( Array.isArray(params.characters) ) {
                params.characters= params.characters.join('');
            if( typeof params.characters==='string' ) {
                !( params.characters.length>=2 && params.characters.startsWith('/') && params.characters.endsWith('/') ) || "It looks that parameter subfield 'characters' is a string representing a regular expression. Please pass a regular expression itself (i.e. not enclosed in apostrophes or quotation marks). Alternatively pass a string or an array of acceptable characters." );
                params.characters= new RegExp( '[' +params.characters.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('[','\\]') + ']' );
            SeLiteMisc.ensureInstance( params.characters, RegExp, "params.characters (if specified and other than a string or an array; not a string that is a regular expression)" );
            acceptableChars= SeLiteMisc.acceptableCharacters( params.characters );
        else {
            if( !type || type==='email' ) {
                charRange+= 'a-zA-Z'; // Email characters @ and . will be added when generating an email address
            if(  !type || type==='number' ) {
                charRange+= '0-9';
            if( type==='name' || type==='word' ) {
                charRange+= 'a-z'; // Only used to fill-up after 'nice' first & last name
            if( type==='text' || type==='html' ) {
                charRange+= ' a-z';
            if( type==='password' ) {
                charRange+= 'a-z'; // There's more added below
            if( !type ) {
                charRange+= ' _-';
            if( type==='ugly' ) {
                charRange= "'\"./<>();";
            acceptableChars= SeLiteMisc.acceptableCharacters( new RegExp( '['+charRange+']' ) );
        var result= '';
        if( type==='name' ) {
            result= SeLiteMisc.randomItem( this.randomFirstNames )+ ' ' +SeLiteMisc.randomItem( this.randomSurnames );

            // Append random name-like string, min. randomThirdNameMinLength letters, max. randomThirdNameMaxLength letters,
            // plust a leading space, e.g. ' Xu...'
            if( result.length < maxLength-this.randomThirdNameMinLength ) {
                var thirdNameLength= this.randomThirdNameMinLength + Math.round( Math.random()*Math.min(
                    maxLength-1- this.randomThirdNameMinLength-result.length
                ) );
                result+= ' ' +SeLiteMisc.randomChar(acceptableChars).toUpperCase() +
                    SeLiteMisc.randomString( acceptableChars, thirdNameLength-1);
            result= result.substr( 0, maxLength ); // In case we've overrun it (by first or first+' '+last)
        if( type==='email' ) {
            if( extraParams ) {
                var name= '';
                var baseOnName= extraParams.baseOnName.replace( / /g, '-' );
                for( var i=0; i<baseOnName.length; i++ ) {
                    if( acceptableChars.indexOf(baseOnName[i])>=0 ) {
                        name+= baseOnName[i];
                if( name.length===0 ) {
                    name= SeLiteMisc.randomChar( acceptableChars );
            else {
                // Generate email in form 'name@domain'. For nice human experience of testers we're generating
                // first.last@word.word-and-random-filling.(com|it|...) or
                // first@word.word-and-random-filling.(com|it|...) for c.a. 50% of results each.
                // If the part left of '@' were much longer, it's difficult to identify the email pattern by a human.
                var name= SeLiteMisc.randomItem( this.randomFirstNames ).toLowerCase();
                // If there's enough space, then for 50% of such cases, append a dot and a second name/part of it
                // Leave at least 9 characters for domain (that covers
                if( name.length<maxLength-8 && Math.random()>0.5 ) {
                    name+= '.' +SeLiteMisc.randomItem( this.randomSurnames ).toLowerCase();
            name= name.substr(0, maxLength-8 ); // In case we've overrun, leave at least 8 letters for full domain

            var topDomains= maxLength- name.length>8
                ? this.randomTopDomains
                : this.randomTopDomainsShort;
            var topDomain= SeLiteMisc.randomItem( topDomains );

            var maxMidDomainLength= Math.max( maxLength-name.length-topDomain.length-2, 2 );
            var midDomain= SeLiteMisc.randomItem( this.randomWords ).toLowerCase();
            if( maxMidDomainLength-midDomain.length >=2 ) {
                // Let's append a dash followed by 1 or more random alpha letters, e.g. '-xpqr', to midDomain
                var midDomainExtraLength= 1+ Math.round( Math.random()* Math.min(
                    maxMidDomainLength- 2- midDomain.length
                ) );
                midDomain+= '-' +SeLiteMisc.randomString(acceptableChars, midDomainExtraLength ).toLowerCase();

            midDomain= midDomain.substr(0, maxMidDomainLength );
            result= name+ '@'+ midDomain+ '.' +topDomain;
        if( !type || ['word', 'text', 'html', 'password', 'ugly', 'number'].indexOf(type)>=0 || params.characters ) {
            if( type==='ugly' ) {
                // If possible, try to type all ugly characters at least once. But don't type more than maxLength
                minLength= Math.min( maxLength, Math.max(minLength,acceptableChars.length) );
            if( type==='password' && minLength===1 ) {
                minLength= 9;
            var totalLength= minLength+ Math.round( Math.random()*(maxLength-minLength) );

            if( type==='text' || type==='html' ) {
                var entries= [];
                var lengthOfEntries= 0;
                while( lengthOfEntries<totalLength ) {
                    var entry= this.randomWords[Math.round( Math.random()*(this.randomWords.length-1) )];
                    if( type==='html' ) {
                        var htmlTags= Selenium.prototype.htmlTags;
                        if( params.htmlTags ) {
                            htmlTags= params.htmlTags;
                            if( htmlTags.indexOf('')<0 ) {
                                htmlTags.push( '' ); // to generate plain text with no tag
                        var tag= htmlTags[Math.round( Math.random()*(htmlTags.length-1) )];
                        if( tag ) {
                            entry= '<' +tag+ '>' +entry+ '</' +tag+ '>';
                    entries.push( entry );
                    lengthOfEntries+= entry.length+1;
                if( lengthOfEntries>totalLength ) {
                    lengthOfEntries-= entries[entries.length-1].length;
                    if( lengthOfEntries<minLength ) {
                        entries.push( SeLiteMisc.randomString(acceptableChars, minLength-lengthOfEntries) );
                result= entries.join(' ');
            else if( type==='password' ) {
                var capitals= SeLiteMisc.acceptableCharacters( new RegExp( '[A-Z]' ) );
                while( result.length+4<=minLength ) {
                    result+= SeLiteMisc.randomChar( acceptableChars );
                    result+= SeLiteMisc.randomChar( capitals );
                    result+= SeLiteMisc.randomChar( '0123456789' );
                    result+= SeLiteMisc.randomChar( '!@#$%^&*()-_' );
                result+= SeLiteMisc.randomString(acceptableChars, totalLength-result.length );
            else if( type==='ugly' ) {
                // Typing as many unique ugly characters as possible
                var numFirstUglies= Math.min( maxLength, acceptableChars.length );
                result= acceptableChars.substr(0, numFirstUglies);
                // Typing the rest (still, ugly ones)
                result+= SeLiteMisc.randomString(acceptableChars, totalLength-numFirstUglies);
            if( type==='number' ) {
                if( params.decimal ) {
                    if( totalLength<3 ) {
                        totalLength= 3;
                        assert( totalLength<=maxLength, "Cannot insert a decimal point" );
                    var maxScale= params.scale
                        ? params.scale
                        : totalLength-2;
                    var actualScale= 1+Math.round( Math.random()*(maxScale-1) );
                else {
                    var actualScale= 0;
                if( params.min!==undefined || params.max ) {
                    // Ignore minLength, maxLength, totalLength
                    var min= params.min || 0;
                    result= min+ Math.random()*( params.max-min ); // That excludes params.max. Therefore I'll do a rounding transformation in the next step
                    // Here I'll shift the decimal point maxScale digits to the right; then I round it; then I shift the decimal point back.
                    // This way the result range will include params.max as its maximum (if not decimal, or if actualScale==maxScale)
                    var scaleMultiplier= Math.pow( 10, actualScale );
                    result= ''+ Math.round( result*scaleMultiplier )/scaleMultiplier;
                if( params.decimal ) {
                    // We generate a number with totalLength digits. Then we replace one by the decimal point
                    result= SeLiteMisc.randomString(acceptableChars, totalLength);
                    var decimalPointPosition= totalLength-actualScale-1;
                    result= result.substring( 0, decimalPointPosition )+ '.' +result.substring(decimalPointPosition+1);
                    if( result[totalLength-1]=='0' ) {
                        result= result.substring( 0, result.length-1 )+ '1';
                else {
                    result= '' +Math.round( Math.random()*Math.floor(params.max) );
            else {
                result= SeLiteMisc.randomString(acceptableChars, totalLength);
        else {
            throw new Error( "Error in randomText(): type=" +type );
        if( ) {
            SeLiteMisc.setFields( storedVars,, result );
        return result;

    Selenium.prototype.doTypeRandom= function doTypeRandom( locator, paramsOrStore={} ) {
        if( typeof paramsOrStore ==='string' ) {
            paramsOrStore= {store: paramsOrStore};
        var resultString= this.randomText( paramsOrStore, undefined, locator );

        LOG.debug('doTypeRandom() typing: ' +resultString );
        this.doType( locator, resultString );
        if( ) {
            SeLiteMisc.setFields( storedVars,, resultString );
    // @TODO This doesn't work well
    Selenium.prototype.doTypeRandomEmail= function doTypeRandomEmail( locator, params={} ) {
        var paramsToPass= { type: 'email' };
        if( typeof params==='string' ) {
            var name= params;
        else {
            if( params.from!==undefined ) {
                var fromElement= this.browserbot.findElement( params.from );
                var name= fromElement.value!==undefined
                        ? fromElement.value
                        : fromElement.textContent;
            if( ) {
                var name=;
            else {
                throw new Error( "You must pass the name to use for the email address, or pass an object with 'from' field which is a locator." );
            SeLiteMisc.objectClone( params, ['minLength', 'maxLength', 'store'], [], paramsToPass );
        var extraParamsToPass= {
            baseOnName: name
        var resultString= this.randomText( paramsToPass, extraParamsToPass, locator );

        LOG.debug('doTypeRandomEmail() typing: ' +resultString );
        this.doType( locator, resultString );

    // @TODO what did I want to do here?
    // @TODO similar doClickMapped?
    Selenium.prototype.doSelectMapped= function doSelectMapped( locator, params ) {

    Selenium.prototype.isSelectMapped= function isSelectMapped( locator, params ) {
    // @TODO use the 2nd parameter - for an (optional) timeout in milliseconds
    Selenium.prototype.doSelectTopFrameAnd= function doSelectTopFrameAnd( locatorOrLocators, unused ) {
        if( typeof locatorOrLocators==='string' ) {
            locatorOrLocators= locatorOrLocators!==''
                ? [locatorOrLocators]
                : [];
        Array.isArray(locatorOrLocators) || 'locatorOrLocators must be a selector string, or an array (of selector strings)');

        var self= this;
        return Selenium.decorateFunctionWithTimeout(
            function () {
                self.doSelectFrame( 'relative=top' );
                for( var locator of locatorOrLocators ) {
                    var wrappedElementOrNull= self.browserbot.findElementOrNull( locator );
                    if( wrappedElementOrNull!==null ) {
                        self.doSelectFrame( locator );
                    return false;
                return true;

// Based on
    var preferencesService= Components.classes[";1"]
    /**I don't use prefix 'do' or 'get' in the name of this function
       because it's not intended to be run as Selenium command/getter.
    Selenium.prototype.setJavascriptPref= function setJavascriptPref( bool ) {
       preferencesService.setBoolPref("javascript.enabled", bool);
    // Beware: this disables Javascript in whole Firefox (for all tabs). The setting
    // will stay after you close Selenium.
    Selenium.prototype.doDisableJavascript= function doDisableJavascript() {

    Selenium.prototype.doEnableJavascript= function doEnableJavascript() {

    Selenium.prototype.doEnsureUnderWebRoot= function doEnsureUnderWebRoot( forceReload ) {
        this.browserbot.selectWindow( null );
        if( !this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().location.href.startsWith( SeLiteSettings.webRoot() ) || forceReload ) {
            return this.doOpen( SeLiteSettings.webRoot() );
    /* @TODO
    var originalClick= Selenium.prototype.doClick;
    Selenium.prototype.doClick= function doClick( locator ) {
        var element= this.browserbot.findElementOrNull( locator );
        if( !element || !this.isVisible(locator) ) {
            var msg= "Element " +locator+ (!element
                ? " is not on the page."
                : " is on the page, but it is not visible."
            throw false//assert-like
                ? new SeleniumError(  msg )
                : new Error( msg ); // This: 'Unexpected Exception'
        return this, locator );
    Selenium.prototype.doNop= function doNop( locatorUnused, valueUnused ) {};
    Selenium.prototype.doNopAndWait= function doNopAndWait( locatorUnused, valueUnused ) {
        throw new SeleniumError( "Do not use nopAndWait. Use nop instead." );
    Selenium.prototype.doLog= function doLog( message, level ) {
        message= '' +message;
        level= level
            ? (''+level).toLowerCase()
            : 'error';
        switch( level ) {
            case 'debug': LOG.debug( message ); break;
            case 'info': message ); break;
            case 'warn': LOG.warn( message ); break;
            case 'error': LOG.error( message ); break;
    Selenium.prototype.doLogAndWait= function doLogAndWait( locatorUnused, valueUnused ) {
        throw new SeleniumError( "Do not use logAndWait. Use log instead." );
    /** This allows to access .gBrowser. Other ways failed: window.gBrowser, selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().gBrowser, window.opener.gBrowser.
 * */
    Selenium.recentWindow= function recentWindow() {
        // Based on
        return Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator).getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");